
Wednesday 5 October 2016

Experiencing anxiety

Panic attacks..

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ 
Those who suffer may feel anxious reading this - I know I did writing it 😅

So.. - like more people than you probably realise - I suffer from high levels of stress and anxiety often causing panic attacks (especially around spiders... damn phobias haha)

Below I've tried my best to explain my experience, feelings and thoughts 💭

There's also an exercise I'd like you to try if you don't understand what it's like and want to...

If everyone could try to understand every experience is different for the person going through this.
So each individual could have vastly different opinions and experiences themselves too.

Read this all the while concentrating on your blinking.

Blink once then twice. Once then twice. Once then twice.

Keep focusing on keeping this rhythm.
Thinking about the pattern.

Blink once then twice. Once then twice. Once then twice.

Now this can be quite difficult for some let's add some more then for those that find that easy.

Still keeping the blinking pattern consistent??

Now wrap yourself tightly in a blanket or doona.

Hope you kept the blinking consistent otherwise you may have to start again.. shit that would suck..

Next step get a really loud and screechy alarm to go off or if you have no access to one imagine it..

Still blinking?
Getting sick of me asking?
Keep blinking!

Add a barking chihuahua to the mix and a hungry baby squealing too!

Now I hope you're still focusing on the blinking!

Blink once then twice. Once then twice. Once then twice.

Feeling warm and sick?
Got a headache?
Feeling stressed?
That baby is still crying and that dog is still barking..

Blink once then twice. Once then twice. Once then twice.

You've lost your job and if you have a partner they've cheated on you and you will be alone.

That cute puppy in that movie? Yeah it got poisoned then tried running for help to meet the little boy who owns him and he gets hit by a car.

Good now do it better!

Blink once then twice. Once then twice. Once then twice.

That thing you're most afraid of?
Yeah it's still there mocking you because only you know it's there no one else does.
Maybe you're going insane?
Probably it's only fair..

Feeling crap?
Boo you!

Blink once then twice. Once then twice. Once then twice.


Ok. I'll stop now..

Now ignore all of that (not too easy after it's made you feel horrible) you are amazing and wonderful.
I don't know you but I don't want to make you feel like that either, I would never wish this upon anyone.
Just remember what was written up there is an example of me trying to portray what some go through and that in no way was I thinking of hurting you directly!! You are important 😁👍

This is the overall gist of a panic attack.
Most cases not as gradual as this in fact most cases will be like this all happening in the blink of an eye (pun intended).
Focusing on multiple things at once.
There's always so much going on and you're trying not to lose to the voice in your head nagging, belittling and reminding you.. to let's say blink in a rhythm in this case..

Annoying huh?
You can't stop that dog from barking or the baby from crying because you might forget to blink the way you're "meant" to.

In these situations we have to remind ourselves that:

.No we do not fail if we remove ourselves from the situation

.No we will not die if can't do it all

.No just No! This is our lives! Our head! We own it and get through this time and time again 😁

Each person is different even if we suffer the same.
That experience above is only one persons way - my way - of explaining the experiences.

My solution and method to help me is to: 

. Take me away from the situation
. Calm me down with a hug or hand on my back
. Ask me to focus on something (I.e breathing to slow down - in through my nose, out through my mouth etc)

You may not understand but if you can show sympathy then you will sure make it so much easier for those going through this.

It's hard to admit we need help and to take a step to slow down.
To me because not many people understand I feel like I'm walking around naked.
The consequences would be laughing, bullying and me feeling alone..
Not something anyone would enjoy feeling so when we aren't too immobilised by fear to ask for anything please please please just help!

On behalf of anyone who is going through a rough time or dealing with a difficult situation, let's help one another ☺️👌


Friday 27 May 2016


Normally my rostered day off (RDO) includes running errands whilst stopping by relatives and friends places for a quick catch up.
If I get the chance for some quiet in the day I like to go outside and spend a few hours with my adorable border collies - definitely something I wish I could do more often.
There's something about rain and dirt that they love so much and something about not having pets (especially hilariously filthy ones) inside a rental property that makes it so difficult. Haha.

Today was a bit different though and I was fortunate enough to spend a nice relaxing day and night with the partner (let's call him R). Hooray!

First we slept in until about 10am!
Look at that I remember the days I used to think that was an early wake up and now I struggle to stay in bed until then without feeling groggy with a dash of headache.

Once we pulled ourselves out of bed (and by we I mean myself - I just like to roll around the bed and tangle myself in the doona and sheets and stretch like a cat after a 12 hour slumber) breakfast was had and the teeth were brushed.

The cinema was practically empty apart from a handful of people including the 2 staff members serving at the candy bar.
I didn't take too much notice of them as I had R's full attention.
Not something many couples get whether there's a hobby, house mates, children etc so it was nice for us to be doing something together instead of just errands ☺️

Probably shouldn't mention that I snuck in half a bag of malteasers (probably a third of the price they charge) a packet of Tim Tams (An Australian favourite that they don't even sell so I figured that one was reasonable) and 2 Caramello Koalas?... - which are still in my bag.. For now haha - I felt pretty ninja sneaking them in but I guess it helps there wasn't even a guy to check our tickets before we walked in haha.
It did amuse R that I managed to hide so much junk food in such a tiny satchel as well as the fact I'm never out of any snacks and always seem to have something ☺️

The new Xmen movie was absolutely amazing with the perfect balance of action and comedy, portraying characters rather well in my opinion (still wanted to know when they would introduce the Scarlet Witch alongside Quicksilver but I could settle with what I got)
I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good marvel movie - just don't sweat staying for both the credits with only 5 seconds of guys in suits. - spoiler alert?

After leaving the movies we were feeling pretty hungry (our snack supply was low and we needed a more filling fuel up) so we headed out for Pasta Cup and got ourselves the largest tub of our preferred dish. Leftovers for days!!
Pasta Cup throws a few ingredients in with a pasta of your choice; sauces being from a creamy carbonara to a nice red spaghetti bog and everything in between.
It can be on the pricey side rounding about the $15 mark per person but you also get some yummy dipping bread with a tub of fart cheese (Parmesan) and stretches for a meal or two - in my case probably three! Haha.

We came home watched our weekly dose of supernatural and another few shows before I scared him away with the snapchat filters which I have been completely guilty of indulging in!

We showered and now are relaxing while he plays his new game and I type this using my phone because my 5 year old laptop is struggling to even load pages... Oh woe is life haha 😅👌

We will be heading out soon to pick up a mate from work to take him home then returning to our peaceful home again to rest before I leave for work tomorrow.

Any ways if I do end up proof reading and posting this hope you enjoyed my novel telling you just about R and I going to the movies 😋✌️

Blue Willow